This is an ancient Indian architectural and design philosophy that aims to create harmonious and balanced spaces. One should consider following tips for prosperity :

1. Location of Office :

  • • Choose an office location that is square or rectangular in shape. Oddly shaped offices can lead to imbalances.
  • • Ideally, the office entrance should face the north, northeast, or east direction for positive energy flow.

2. Office Layout :

  • • The reception area should be well-lit and welcoming to create a positive first impression.
  • • Place the owner or manager's cabin in the southwest or west direction for stability and decision-making power.
  • • Ensure that workstations for employees are arranged in a way that encourages communication and teamwork.

3. Colors :

  • • Use soothing and balanced colors in the office. Earthy tones like beige, light green, and light blue are often recommended.
  • • Avoid using aggressive colors like red or dark shades, as they can create stress.

4. Furniture Placement :

  • • Position desks and workstations in a way that employees face east or north while working.
  • • Ensure that employees sit with their backs to solid walls for support and stability.
  • • Avoid clutter and maintain a clean and organized workspace.

5. Lighting :

  • • Allow natural light to flow into the office as much as possible.
  • • Use soft, diffused lighting for a comfortable working.


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