There are many myths, misunderstanding and mis concept about this ancient science, like

1. Is Sthaaptya Ved is a science or a superstition?

This is based on the scientific principles and has proved its validity over centuries. This is basically the science of channelising the energy in different zones.

2. Sthaaptya Ved is only about directions :

Though directions are crucial component, they are not the only one. The orientation of the building, the planning and the utilisation of different materials in different possible ways during the construction and later on in Interiors are all significant factors.

3. This is only for residential buildings :

In fact, this should be used for any premise, let it be a residential or commercial; in short, any building which is inhabited by humans for any purpose should be based on this science.

4. This science is Religion specific :

The science does not differentiate based on the religion. The principles are same for the buildings, irrespective of the religion of the residents.

5. To use this science in already existing buildings/structures, it requires lots of structural changes :

This isn’t always the case because minor adjustments like change in the interiors moving furniture around adding plants. Use of Mathrika vigyaan, change in colours or materials though are small things, but impart major impact.


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